Join Us!
Note: Last day to enroll as a new member for the Spring 2025 season is February 18, 2025.

How can I join?
For the Spring 2025 season, we will be welcoming new singers on January 28th (scroll down for full schedule). No auditions are necessary. The ability to read music is not a requirement for joining the choir. We believe that everyone can sing!
If you are interested in joining the choir, please navigate to the Home page and select the appropriate checkbox in the Email Updates form (bottom of page). You will be contacted by our New Member Coordinator who will give you information on the choir, rehearsal venue, times, etc.
Once you've decided to join the choir and have attended our initial rehearsal, you can create a log in to our member portal (click the profile icon in the top right corner!)
**NOTE*** - the last day to join the choir for our Spring 2025 season will be February 18th, 2025. If you are wanting to join, please let us know by filling out the form on the Home page of this website. You will hear back from our New Member Coordinator who will provide additional information (rehearsal times, membership contribution, etc.). First rehearsal night for both New and Returning members will be January 28th!​
Our Music Director
Rehearsals are held every Tuesday evening from 7pm to 8:30 pm in the sanctuary at the First Baptist Church, 125 SE Cowls Street, McMinnville, Oregon.
One Saturday retreat and one Friday evening rehearsal are scheduled before each end-of-season concert.
Singers are expected to attend at least 3 out of 4 monthly rehearsals. Our members help to support the choir through a tax-deductible monetary contribution based on their ability to pay. Each singer determines their own contribution amount. All singers are included no matter how much or how little you contribute.
Schedule for our Spring 2025 season:
♫ Tuesday, January 28th at 7:00 pm:
Interested women are invited to New Member Night on Tuesday, January 28th at 7pm at First Baptist Church. Join us to experience our singing community first-hand! We'll sing and share information about how the choir works.
McMinnville Women's Choir is open to all women singers (no audition process)! After rehearsal, we will have goodies and time for socializing!
♫ ♫ New Members - Tuesday, February 4th arrive around 6:15pm, session begins at 6:30pm for New Member Orientation. Regular rehearsal at 7:00pm for All Members
New members are invited to come early to meet with Betty Busch, our Artistic Director, and our Leadership Team to learn more about how the choir works. There will be a fun name-game, figuring out your vocal range and a chance to learn more about the upcoming season. Returning choir members will join at 7PM for our first regular spring rehearsal.
♫ Saturday, April 5th, 9:30 am - 2:00 pm: McMinnville Women’s Choir Retreat! This gives us an opportunity to hone our singing skills & breakout into our sections for more intensive practice. There will be a potluck & we will be asking for your best eats!
♫ ♫ Dress Rehearsal - Friday, May 2nd at 6:30pm
Arrive at 6:30pm on Friday May 2nd. We will meet in the sanctuary at First Baptist Church to run through the entire performance. You don't need to wear concert attire, but you might want to wear whatever shoes you plan to wear for the performance just to ensure you'll be comfortable on your feet for a couple hours!!
♫ Saturday, May 3rd at 4pm
>> CALL TIME: 2:00pm!!
If you are bringing beverages and/or cookies, please plan to arrive around 1:30 to drop those off in advance of performance walk-through at 2pm.
Membership Contribution
Our members help to support the choir through a tax-deductible monetary contribution based on their ability to pay. Each singer determines their own contribution amount. All singers are included no matter how much or how little you contribute. We do ask that once you've decided to join the choir, that you fill out the Membership and Contribution form no later than February 25th. This allows us to plan our budget for the remainder of the season. The Membership and Contribution form is located here:
Spring 2025 Membership and Contribution Form
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